This is a collection of dictionaries for the excellently well designed language learning program “Verbs & Nouns”. The user can look up and learn Finnish words (in dictionary form) and furthermore question and practise derived words (declination and conjugation).
The dictionaries contain around 700 basic words (nouns and adjectives) and more than 100 000 derived words.
The dictionaries translate from Finnish to German, but non-German speakers might still find them useful for their information about derived words.
“Finnisch V&N” offers the following features through “Verbs & Nouns”:
• Looking up the German translation of Finnish words
• Looking up Finnish words fitting a German translation
• Showing forms derived from a basic word
• Tabular compilations according to grammatical criteria
• Grouping of words according to various criteria
Flexible exercises:
• Translation Finnish - German
• Translation German - Finnish
• Questioning of derived words
• Learning quiz for translation Finnish - German
• Learning quiz for translation German - Finnish
• Learning quiz for formation of derived words
Substantive Finnisch: 608 basic words, formation of all 15 cases and possessive suffixes, about 93,000 different words in total.
Adjektive Finnisch: 103 basic words, formation of all 15 cases, comparison, and modal adverbs, about 8200 different words in total.
More dictionaries are in preparation.
Sources of basic words
Most words follow the lessons of the following exercise books:
• Elämän suolaa, Yrjö Lauranto, Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of Jyväskylä, 1995, ISBN 951-34-0594-X
• Langenscheidts Praktisches Lehrbuch Finnisch, Dr. Richard Semrau, Langenscheidt, 1983, ISBN 3-468-26140-3
I am happy to correct any mistakes in the dictionaries you will find.
Derived words
The rules for formation of derived words have some limitations:
• For nouns with different parallel forms, not all possibilities are necessarily in the dictionary; especially some rarely used forms are missing.
• Words in instruktiv singular are missing since they exist only in special cases anyhow.
• There are some parallel forms in genitiv and partitiv plural, which differ not only in the ending but also in the stem (weak or strong vowel stem). In those cases, all parallel forms are listed in the dictionary with the same stem, and the ending is separated with a hyphen from the stem for those parallel forms for which this is not correct.
• Adjectives are without the rarely used possessive forms.
System requirements
“Finnisch V&N” requires Jacek Iwanski’s “Verbs & Nouns” in version 2.2.9 or later. It can be obtained from the Internet at <>.
Attention: “Verbs & Nouns” requires a memory partition of about 5 MB.
The full version of “Finnisch V&N” is shareware and costs DM 10 or FIM 30, including future updates. I hope you appreciate the hard work behind the development of the grammar rules and the collection of the words.
The demo version offers full functionality but allows only access to the first 59 basic words of each dictionary. Unlimited electronic distribution is permitted for the demo version.
A password sent by e-mail enables complete access to the dictionaries after the full version has been payed. Please pay only by cash sent to:
Alexander Esser
Sateenkaari 3 E 91
02100 Espoo
Version history
v1.1 31/01/99
608 nouns, 103 adjectives, around 101,200 words
v1.0 17/10/98
452 nouns, around 69.000 words
The author
I am a physicist and I have been living and working in Finland since the beginning of 1998. I have made the effort to create “Finnisch V&N” since I have much fun learning such a different language as Finnish.
Internet: <>
E-Mail: <>
Exclusion of liability
The author of “Finnisch V&N” is not aware of any problems in using “Finnisch V&N”. Usage of “Finnisch V&N” is nevertheless anybody’s own risk; the author cannot be held liability for any damages to hard- or software.